Immediate Method

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What is Immediate Method?

Direct Connector to Investment Education Companies

Immediate Method matches people who want to learn about investments with companies that render investment education services. The website serves as an intermediary between people who want to acquire investment education but are unsure of where to start and companies that can tutor them.

With Immediate Method, users get direct access to investment education firms at no cost. These investment education firms teach learners what an investment is, the types, strategies, risks, and how it differs from other concepts in the investment or financial world.

Registration on Immediate Method is fast as the website is user-friendly and requires zero technical skills. Users only have to submit their names, phone numbers, and email addresses to get connected to investment education firms whose representatives will contact and guide them to start their learning journey.


Connect To Investment Education Firms with Ease

Zero Experience Required

People with or without investment knowledge, skills, and experience can register on Immediate Method to learn about investment and get connected. Immediate Method connects everyone who registers on its website with investment education companies without requesting proof of experience, skill, or knowledge.

Speedy Registration

Visit the Immediate Method website and register in a simple step. Immediate Method does not request loads of sensitive data before connecting people to investment education firms.

Since registration on Immediate Method is uncomplicated, it is fast. Users can register within a few seconds and get back to other businesses or activities. Leaving Immediate Method to do what it does best - connecting users to investment education firms.

Sign Up Now

Take the bold step to register today on Immediate Method and start learning after being matched with an investment education firm.

Registration is simple and fast. Visit Immediate Method, click on the registration form, and submit the requested information: first name, last name, email address, and phone number.

Why Immediate Method Offers Connection Services

Learners’ Curiosity

Immediate Method desires to help people get answers to their questions and uncertainties about investments and the investment industry at large through investment education.

Investment Educators are often inaccessible

Many learners are unsure where to find investment education firms or unable to decide when there are options to pick from. Immediate Method fixes these issues by connecting people to investment educators for free.

Skills Building

By connecting people to investment educators, Immediate Method helps them learn about investments and develop the skills required to function in the investment industry.

What is an Investment?

An investment is an asset typically purchased with the hope that it will increase in value over time. People can invest in different assets in the market, and while their value may appreciate, it may also depreciate depending on market volatility or other controllable and uncontrollable factors.

While investing has its upsides, it is also a highly risky adventure. Immediate Method wants people to learn about investments as well as the risks involved and the management principles. Some investment risks are liquidity risk, longevity risk, reinvestment risk, currency risk, and foreign investment risk.


What is Investment Education?

Investment education involves imparting the knowledge and information required to unravel the intricacies of investing. With the investment education obtained through Immediate Method’s connection, people will be introduced to investment terms and develop their vocabulary, learn investment types and strategies, security types, investment analysis, risks, etc.

Advantages of Investment Education

Through investment education, people learn investment basics or go in-depth, making them identify investment opportunities, make educated decisions, build their abilities to bear risks, and develop hard and soft skills. Investment learning also aids people in choosing a strategy for investing in an asset and in managing the risks involved.

Investment Education Firms

The firms available through Immediate Method teach users what they need to learn about investments for them to be able to make informed decisions in the financial markets. Educators equip learners to develop skills and by providing them with learning resources and the necessary assistance.

Tangible Assets: Tangible assets are a company's liquid physical assets that can be seen and touched.

Intangible Assets: Intangible assets are non-physical assets (with monetary value) that can be created and acquired.

Current Assets: 
Current assets are assets that can be converted into cash or cash equivalents within a year.

The value of assets are uncertain due to economic conditions. Examples are buildings, commodities, stocks, cash, machines, and land. Current assets like promissory notes and money orders can be liquidated easily to generate funds. These assets are all risky regardless of their advantages.

Asset Classification

Asset characteristics include liquidity, physical nature, investment potential, and utility. Liquid assets are easily convertible into cash or other asset types. All tangible assets are classified by their physical presence. Utility assets are classified based on their uses, which are often influenced by the market and their time horizons.

Types of Investments

The industry has several types of investment, which people will learn when Immediate Method connects them to investment education companies. Investment types include money market funds, corporate bonds, cryptocurrency, equities, and commodities. Money market funds (MMFs) invest in liquid and short term instruments, are relatively stable but may give low capital gain.

Corporate bonds are loans to companies that can provide income but are often affected by interest rate risk and inflation. Cryptocurrency investment involves buying and selling cryptocurrencies - Ethereum, Binance, Dogecoin, Bitcoin - or investing in crypto companies and funds. This investment allows diversification but has high price volatility. Equity is the money invested in a company by buying its shares. While the principal amount invested in an equity can be increased, it has credit and liquidity risks.

Commodity investment is buying different amounts of raw materials directly consumable or used to make other products. Commodities might yield higher during inflation, but commodity investments are volatile and affected by principal and concentration risks.


Investment Risks

Investments have inherent risks. Immediate Method wants interested people to learn about these risks and how to manage them. Investment risks include concentration risk, operational risk, longevity risk, and commodity risk. Concentration risks affect a single asset that is heavily invested in. Operational risks occur as a result of human inadequacies and failed systems, policies, or processes.

Longevity risk is the loss insurers or pension funds incur when they pay beneficiaries longer than the set duration due to increased life expectancy. With commodity risks, businesses, producers, and investors lose money due to the market fluctuations affecting commodity prices. Investment risks can be managed through:

Risk Tolerance Consideration

People can manage investment risks when they have figured out the bearable volume of risks or losses due to market fluctuations they can handle. Risk tolerance often depends on age and financial goals. Older folks may choose less risky securities and short-term investments, while younger people may decide to invest in securities with higher risks and longer maturity dates.


Understanding investments as a concept and what a particular investment entails is crucial to dealing with risks. If considering investing in real estate, for example, investors should be sure to have a clear understanding of how it works . The same applies to investing in a company or through an investment agent.


Rather than concentrating all available resources in a single asset, risks may be managed by investing in different assets. If an asset performs poorly, other assets may not be susceptible to market fluctuations at the same time, reducing exposure or loss an investor would bear.

Measuring Performance

Investors can assess risk exposure by measuring their portfolio performance using certain metrics and ratios. Results of the portfolio measurement will show where adjustment is necessary and help investors determine whether the portfolio still matches their financial goals.

Common Investing Strategies

People interested in the financial world should learn the various investing strategies, which is one of the reasons Immediate Method connects people with educators. Market timing involves investing after making market predictions. The strategy helps investors who aim to capitalize from short-term movements but is highly risky as it can lead to massive losses if wrong predictions are made.

The buy-and-hold investment strategy involves investing in a security long-term and not selling despite short-term market fluctuations. This strategy has a low tax rate but leads to losing possible short-term gains. Its key components are rebalancing, time horizon, risk tolerance, and asset allocation.


Conducting Investment Analysis

Investment analysis is another essential aspect of investing that is covered in investment education. Investment analysis is researching and weighing the different features of an investment to identify their possible gains and risks.

The process can also help investors identify undervalued investments, decide an investment's price and its time horizon, and see how it will affect their portfolios.

Investment analysis is done in different ways: top-down approach, bottom-up approach, fundamental analysis, and technical analysis. The top-down approach uses tools like sector analysis and economic indicators, while the bottom-up employs financial statements and potential returns. Fundamental analysis uses financial ratios, while technical analysis uses charts and indicators.


Security vs. Portfolio

Securities are tradable assets or financial instruments with monetary value. The types include equity securities, debt securities, derivative securities, and hybrid securities. A portfolio is the collection of several investments like stocks, bonds, cash, cash equivalents, etc., owned or managed by a person or entity. Portfolio types include income, hybrid, aggressive, speculative, and defensive portfolios.


Security and Portfolio Types Explained


Equity Securities

Equity securities are assets that represent a shareholder's partial ownership of a company or trust.

Debt Securities

Debt securities represent loans that must be repaid with interest at a stipulated date and on certain terms. Examples are corporate and government bonds.

Derivative Securities

Derivative securities are financial instruments that get their value and risks from other assets like options and forwards.

Hybrid Securities

Hybrid securities combine two or more debt and equity securities. Examples are warrants, toggle notes, preferred shares, convertible bonds, and mezzanine financing.

Aggressive Portfolio

Aggressive portfolios aim to make massive gains, hence the willingness to bear huge risks. Stocks in this portfolio are highly sensitive to market volatility.

Income Portfolio

Income portfolio consists of dividend-generating investments. An example is real estate investment trusts (REITs), which may generate a steady income but are subject to economic conditions.

Register on Immediate Method Today To Start Learning

While Immediate Method, in this write-up, offers a sneak peek of what people will learn when they register to begin their investment learning journey, it is not enough. To access a more detailed investment course, people should sign up on Immediate Method and fill in their names, email, and phone numbers in the registration forms. Representatives from investment education firms will contact and users as well as provide their login information to their platform.


Immediate Method FAQs


What Services does Immediate Method Offer?

Immediate Method offers connection services. The website links people who want to learn about investment with investment education firms after signing up.

Does Immediate Method Charge for Registration or Connection?

No. People register at no cost on Immediate Method. The website also charges people nothing for connecting them with investment education firms.

Are there Requirements for Registering on Immediate Method?

Not at all. Immediate Method does not request qualifications of any sort. Registration on Immediate Method needs no academic qualifications or experience. The website only requests for full name, email address, and phone number.

Immediate Method Highlights

🤖 Registration Fee

Zero cost to register

💰 Administrative Fees

Fee-free service

📋 Enrollment Ease

Simple, quick setup

📊 Study Focus

Insights into Digital Currencies, Forex, and Investment Funds

🌎 Country Availability

Available in nearly every country except the US

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